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Suzanne bonds with Hrithik’s girlfriend

Well, the person who gave Suzanne Khan sleepless nights and created a hole in her paradise has rubbed her name from the bad books of Suzanne. Hrithik Roshan’s wife bonds with his alleged girlfriend Barbara Mori like never before. Hrithik has welcomed his wife to twitter and now Suzanne has been sending lovely messages to Barbara and the Kites actress too responded back with some good notes.

Suzanne, Hrithik,barbara mori

The Mexican beauty wrote,  "Hellow Beautiful!!! Welcome to Twitter." Sussanne was quick to reply and posted : "Hey sending you a big hug from India and all my follower My beautiful friend who is coming back to India in May... she is faaaaaabbbbb in Kites."

Barbara replied “Hey Baby! I can't wait to go India¦ I'm very excited¦ We will travel all over the world together. (It) is going to be so much fun." Hrithik who has been in Twitter for quite some time now had welcomed Sussanne writing "Friends, welcome my wife, my friend, my lover, the coolest, the purest, the exotic SUSSANNE to twitterland !! Give LOVE tweeple!!!"

Well, we are wondering what’s going wrong with Suzanne.


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